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"Women of Courage"

Laxmi, a victim of acid attack and a standard-bearer for the movement to end acid attacks, has been selected by the US for the prestigious International Women of Courage Award.Laxmi received the award from US First Lady Michelle Obama at an awards ceremony at the State Department in Washington. She was 16 when an acquaintance threw acid on her face while she waited at a bus stop in New Delhi's busy Khan Market in 2005, disfiguring her permanently. "Many acid attack victims never return to normal life: they often go to great lengths to hide their disfigurement, many forgo education or employment rather than appear in public, and suicide is not uncommon.
But Laxmi did not hide," the State Department said. "She became the standard-bearer in India for the movement to end acid attacks. She made repeated appearances on national television, gathered 27,000 signatures for a petition to curb acid sales, and took her cause to the Indian Supreme Court," it said."Laxmi's petition led the Supreme Court to order the Indian central and state governments to regulate immediately the sale of acid, and the Parliament to make prosecutions of acid attacks easier to pursue," the State Department said. “Much is left to be done, and Laxmi continues to advocate on behalf of acid attack victims throughout India for increased compensation, effective prosecution and prevention of acid attacks, and rehabilitation of survivors Established in 2007, the annual Secretary of State's International Women of Courage Award honors women around the globe who have exemplified exceptional courage and leadership in advocating for human rights, women's equality, and social progress, often at great personal risk.

Laxmi is great example for courage. Her life is inspirational story. Totally she is Women of power. She show to the world who faced acid attacks they are not victims, but world should put full stops for acid attack. Imagine this. You’re carrying on with your day to day duties and suddenly your life changes in a matter of minutes. As you go about your way, a stranger crosses your path and throws some liquid substance on you. All you can feel is agonizing pain and burning…This happens to people, predominantly women around the world. This violent act of assault is known as acid throwing, which leaves young girls and women disfigured for life. So Every government should create campaign against acid violence and work as a bridge between survivors and the society, as most of the victims of this brutal crime, which is much more grave in its impact than a rape, have isolated themselves after losing their face. Due to ignorance of the government and civil society, most survivors find no hope and stay like an outcast, in government aims to research and track acid attack cases and compile a data to get the actual situation of survivors. And also government should work with partners and stakeholders towards elimination of acid and other forms of burn violence and protection of survivors' rights. 

The process of justice to an acid attack victim remains incomplete until she gets immediate medical, legal and economic help, along with the critical social acceptance. At the same time should make vision as to free society from this crime, which reflects the flaws of our patriarchal society and abusive attitudes and want survivors to have access to fast justice and fight back the irreparable impact of this crime. If we want stop acid attack we can’t believe in capital punishment. All that we are asking for is a change in the mentality of the society. #Stopacidattack


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