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When a Muslim is born there's Adhaan No prayer - When he dies there's prayer No adhan

When we come into this world, the adhaan is recited in our ear to mark the beginning of our lives. When we die, the funeral prayer is offered which is the only prayer with no adhaan. In a profound way, it shows the continuation of our lives and the marking of its earthly end. Someone once said that the relationship between man and God is often seen as a man chasing after God and we rarely see how much God chases after us. He too wishes to be with His creation. For us, we see a lifetime of memories and experiences that we cherish, for Him it is only as long as the wait is between the adhaan and the prayer before He calls us home.

It should make us realize that life is too short for us to focus on anything other than attaining our Makers pleasure by following the guidance He has provided us with. Let us pray for ourselves before we are preyed upon by others. May Allah 'guide us on the straight path. The path of those whom He has bestowed His favor. Not of those who have attained His displeasure, nor by those who have gone astray.' - Holy Qur'an (1:6-7) Ameen.


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