We believe that a learned society gives hope for a bright future and education is the best gift one can pass on from one generation to the other. This project helps under-privileged Sri Lankan students from all communities to be able to go to school with the support of well-wishers, by reducing the burden on their families to take care of the costs related to education.This project has made a very significant difference on the lives of all the beneficiaries in being motivated to continue education & then be able to contribute back towards their communities, In Sha Allah, in years to come. For 2017 year, InShaAllah we are planning to distribute similar Student Packs to 13,000 school children in 15 different areas & over 200 schools covering all communities.The project is managed by Zam Zam Foundation, under the guidance & supervision of Ash-sheikh Mufthi Yoosuf Haniffa. Contact Details Zam Zam Foundation 83 2/4, Galle Road, Colombo 06, Sri Lanka. Rizwan Se...