In September 2013, Brazilian tycoon and socialite Chiquinho Scarpa announced on his Facebook page that he’d been inspired by a documentary he’d watched about the Pharaohs. He was impressed, he said, with the way they buried their wealth in order to have it in the afterlife.So Scarpa decided to emulate the Egyptian royals and said that he would be burying his Bentley, a car worth $500,000.He scheduled a “funeral” for September 20 and began to dig a hole on his property…
That wasn’t big enough, so he brought in an excavator…
The day for the interment, he posted this pic of himself applying a final polish to the doomed car…
Through this whole process, he got plenty of press in the news and on social media, almost all negative, of course, as people asked why he would make this bizarre decision. Why would he make this wealth utterly useless instead of giving it to a worthwhile cause?
Then on the day he was supposed to lower his Bentley to its final resting place he held a press conference and made this announcement…
I have not buried my car, but everyone thought it was absurd when I said I’d do it. What’s absurd is to bury your body, which can save many lives. Nothing is more valuable. Be a donor, tell your family.source-
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